On Monday 5 February 2018, our very own Stephen McGlade was a guest star on the BBC2 morning television programme: “Victoria Derbyshire”. Staff from Sarah Waddington Solicitors made an appearance along with some of our clients, explaining the difficulty of relinquishing from Timeshare memberships.
A total of 2.4 million hits were received on the BBC News article alone, becoming the second most read article on the BBC website for all of Monday.
The team at the Victoria Derbyshire show also told us that they received a lot of messages from viewers expressing their own issues with timeshare and saying that the show had given them a clearer idea on what to do in future.
Alongside Stephen, Paul Bougaard, a spokesman for the Resort Development Organisation (RDO) argued that a strict code of conduct should be followed by all members of the RDO.
The RDO Code of Conduct (2nd April 2015) states that all members should apply their own Exit Policy, but it is “mandatory” they comply with the following reasons for exit from Timeshare:
- Death of a joint/sole owner
- Bankruptcy of a joint/sole owner
- Illness of a joint/sole owner
Mr Bougaard expressed a willingness to assist with allowing members out on these terms, as well as confirming that members should be allowed out of their contracts as it is “in the code”. With this in mind, Stephen has now been in contact with Mr Bougaard and all members of the RDO to make sure this promise is kept and sent an e-mail to Mr Bougaard and all RDO members on 14 February 2018.
Following that e-mail, Mr Bougaard has been forthcoming in his correspondence with us and has passed on the information to the relevant Timeshare companies. We now anticipate that these Timeshare companies will review the cases we have presented them with and will work with us in getting these clients out of their contracts. So far, we have had responses from Diamond Resorts and Club La Costa, but anticipate responses from Hilton Grand Vacations, Azure and Anfi soon.
You can view the full episode here.
We would urge all unhappy Timeshare owners to let us know as soon as possible if you are looking to relinquish your Timeshare contract. We can assist you in your relinquishment process, and even help you claim compensation if your timeshare was mis-sold to you. If you would like further information about our services, or, indeed, if you have been trying to get out of your Timeshare, which is part of the RDO we would love to hear from you. You can contact info@sarahwaddingtonsolicitors.co.uk or call us on 01924 675039.