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Widbury Barn, Widbury Hill, Ware

Hertfordshire SG12 7QE

As you may be aware we have been trying for some time to get the various authorities to act/assist us with our fight for justice against the Timeshare industry.
Finally, on Tuesday 3rd July 2018 Sarah Waddington visited the Westminster office of Tommy Sheppard MP for a meeting about the Timeshare work we are doing; Mr Sheppard was extremely shocked and interested to hear about the industry. More importantly, he is very keen to lend his full weight and support at a government level to help Timeshare owners.
We have highlighted the areas where we feel support is needed Mr Sheppard immediately booked a conference room in Westminster for our team to do a presentation to fellow MPs. We will be writing a letter on behalf of Mr Shepherd, who will send it to over 600 MPs, inviting them to all attend the presentation.
The purpose of this is to gain support for an Early Day Motion to be presented before parliament which, again, we will drafting to enable Mr Sheppard to champion our cause.
Our aim is to persuade the Government to bring about urgent and much needed changes in the law to better protect Timeshare Owners and to provide more stringent regulation to the timeshare industry and those who are financing it.
We are very excited about this development, that your voices will finally be heard at the highest level of government.
We shall keep you updated as things progress. We hope you will agree and join us in feeling that this is a major step forward in our fight against the Timeshare companies.

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Widbury Barns, Widbury Hill, Ware, Hertfordshire, SG12 7QE